Warsaw, July 26, 2023

Mr. Justin Pierre James TRUDEAU

Prime Minister of Canada


Dear Mr. Prime Minister,

I am writing to you as a citizen of Poland and as a friend and proxy of Polish Pastor Artur Pawlowski - not asking but demanding that you immediately halt all harassment, persecution and violations of the law against him.

Pastor Artur Pawlowski, like me, was born in a Poland ruled by a communist regime imposed on us by Soviet occupiers and collaborators and brought in on wheelbarrows by Soviet criminals who appropriated the identity of murdered Poles. Imposed by the treacherous act of our Western allies, who, disregarding our merits laid on all fronts of World War II, surrendered Poland and the Poles to Stalin.

While the Poles were under Soviet occupation, while our intellectual elite, national elite, Polish landed gentry, nobility, war heroes were being murdered, the whole world watched without a shadow of sympathy, turning their heads away, plugging their ears. For many of us then, Canada was synonymous with freedom and prosperity.

Today, the situation has become quite different. You are at the head of a government that, like the Polish government and the governments of many countries in the world hitherto considered democratic countries, where human rights were respected until recently, where freedom of speech and religion were taken for granted, now violates, abolishes and violates these rights, having nothing to do with human life. All this for one purpose - the subjugation of billions of free people to a narrow group of usurpers and psychopaths who want to depopulate us, and those who are graciously left alive - to enslave, control, degrade.

Poland and the Poles are very familiar with this kind of meanness, as we have been experiencing it on a daily basis for at least three hundred years. This is done both by our enemies from outside, our neighbors, as well as those farther away, from across the Ocean, but the worst thing is that some Poles also participate in it.

Pastor Artur Pawlowski is a person who deserves respect by all means. I write this as a Catholic attached to the tradition of Holy Mother Church before Vatican II. He is a man whose first fault is to preach the Word of God. The Pastor's second fault is the help he has provided over the years to the homeless, to people isolated and socially rejected, to the unemployed, to those abandoned by the Canadian state and by their countries of origin. The third fault is the effectiveness of the help carried to the wards, a large percentage of whom return to society, to normal life. Finally, the fourth fault of Arthur Pawlowski is that while you and your government were implementing unlawful covidian orders, he - as befits a man who stands on the side of God, Jesus Christ and the truth - prayed with the protesters, gave them encouragement, and preached the Word of God.

The world has shrunk a lot, and everything that happens in Canada, Poland or China immediately reaches the farthest corners of the earth. Hence, also in Poland, we know that there have been more than several hundred court cases against Mr. Artur Pawlowski so far, and more than one hundred and twenty fines and financial penalties have been imposed on him.

While in Canadian custody for a period of fifty days, my Principal was subjected to inhumane torture, while prison officials - on orders from outside - induced my Client's fellow inmates to murder or maim him. Relevant testimonies have been filed by several people with the relevant authorities.

In addition, Mr. Artur Pawlowski and his family were the victims of an arson attack on their home, in which they all could have burned down; the wheels on his vehicle were deliberately damaged and one of them detached from the car while driving.

The conduct of the Canadian authorities far and grossly deviates from the provisions of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of November 4, 1950, done in Rome on November 4, 1950, subsequently amended by Protocols Nos. 3, 5 and 8 and supplemented by Protocol No. 2, to which Canada and the Republic of Poland are signatories. In particular, Canada has violated against my Principal:

1.      article 3, according to which no one shall be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment;

2.      article 6(1), according to which everyone has the right to a fair and public hearing within a reasonable time by an independent and impartial tribunal established by law in deciding his civil rights and obligations or the merits of any accusation in a criminal case brought against him;

3.      Article 7 (1) and (2), according to which no one shall be found guilty of committing an act consisting of an act or omission to act which, according to domestic or international law, did not constitute an act punishable at the time it was committed. Nor shall a harsher punishment be imposed than that which could have been imposed at the time the act threatened with punishment was committed;

4.      Article 9 (1), which stipulates that everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes the freedom to change one's religion or belief and the freedom to manifest individually or jointly with others, in public or in private, one's religion or belief through worship, teaching, practice and ritual acts;

5.      Article 10(1) stating that everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right includes the freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference from public authorities and regardless of national boundaries;

6.      Article 11(1), according to which everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and to freedom of association, including the right to form and join trade unions to protect his interests;

7.      article 17, stating that nothing in the cited Convention shall be construed as conferring on any state, group or person the right to take action or perform an act aimed at nullifying or restricting the rights and freedoms enumerated in this Convention to a greater extent than provided for in the cited Convention;

8.      article 18, according to which the restrictions on rights and freedoms authorized by the cited Convention shall not be applied for purposes other than those for which they were introduced.

As is clear from the wording of Article 10(1) of the Convention, in the event of war or other public danger threatening the life of the nation, each Party may take measures to abrogate the application of its obligations under the Convention to the extent strictly consistent with the requirements of the situation, provided that such measures do not conflict with other obligations under international law. In the case at hand, the measures taken by the Canadian authorities during the so-called coronavirus pandemic were contrary to the above-quoted obligations under international law on freedom of expression and freedom of conscience and religion, and these violations of the law are the responsibility of you, your Ministers and all the individuals and institutions that participated and are participating in this unprecedented lawlessness.

It is not Pastor Artur Pawlowski who should stand on the dock today. It is not Pastor Artur Pawlowski who should be on trial today, but all those who are responsible for violating the rights of citizens and human rights. Because of whose decisions hundreds of thousands, millions of innocent people died, who were deceitfully subjected to a worldwide medical experiment in the form of deadly so-called COVID-19 vaccines, which in reality have nothing to do with vaccines, but are preparations of genetic engineering.

Numerous reports and scientific papers show the lamentable, even tragic consequences of taking these preparations, after which the most common complications include cardiovascular disease, thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, heart and other organ attacks, rapidly progressing cancer, infertility, sudden cardiac death and many others. Most dramatic, however, is that children, adolescents and young adults are also victims. Also, more than a thousand scientific papers and studies speak of the ineffectiveness and even harmfulness of using face masks.

As Canada's first minister, you are not the sole ruler of this country, but its first servant, for "minister" in Latin means "servant." It is high time that you, as well as your ministers, police officers and other services and institutions realize this obvious truth.

The power you are currently exercising with your government has not been given to you forever. Nor does anyone live on this earth forever, and each of us - including you and your ministers - will one day stand at the Judgment of God, where you will have to give an account of what you have done to others. Please do not believe the Masonic bullshit about reincarnation, about being reborn in a new life on another planet as a representative of the elite. Please do not believe the lie that if you go to hell, you will hold some important position together with your god Lucifer. This is all bullshit, which darkens the mind and soul with hatred of another human being. Please repent and live honestly, according to the Decalogue, according to the Commandment of Love and according to the Gospel. Only there are words of Truth, and the Truth is Christ the King. King of Poland. King of the whole world, King and Creator of the Universe.

We are not your property. You are the property of those who control you, whom you serve, and who actually despise you. They despise and hate you for what you are although they are happy that you obediently follow their orders. They hate as you are hated by the one you have idolized - your Lucifer. The more you serve him, the more you are devoted to him, the more he despises you and the more he hates you, waiting for your end to snatch your poor souls to hell, where there is weeping, anguish and never-ending suffering.

I demand that you take immediate action against Pastor Artur Pawlowski to fully exonerate him from all charges. I call on you and your Government, the Courts, the Police, the Prosecutors, to stop breaking the law. I demand the immediate initiation of investigations and disciplinary proceedings against those responsible for torturing, persecuting and harassing Pastor Artur Pawlowski, and, if proven guilty, for severe and exemplary punishment.

As a Pole and as a human being, I am proud of Pastor Artur Pawlowski, who deserves great respect and recognition for his courage, which we true Poles have never lacked and will never lack.


best regards

humble servant of Christ

 Marek Skowroński




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